Access Review
One of the members told us that White Rose was his 'little piece of heaven'. We can see why. Half a dozen visits and counting tells us that we're rather enamoured with the place ourselves. But there are plenty of reviews here more lyrical than this one, telling of the friendliness, the cleanliness, the excellent facilities, the beauty, the relaxed atmosphere and the general bonhomie of this rather special little part of Yorkshire. Put simply, White Rose is a really nice place to go.
So I'd like to concentrate on an aspect that is particular to us, and perhaps to others in a similar situation. My wife has mobility issues, and it is necessary for her to use a wheelchair. I am able-bodied, and push her wheelchair when we are out and about. What follows is a brief review of the White Rose Club with disability in mind, written as an able-bodied carer accompanying a disabled person in a standard push wheelchair. I hope it is of use to you.
Getting around the site:
The entire site is situated on level ground making it ideal for both disabled users and their carers. The roadways around the site double as footpaths, as on most campsites. Roads are good, firm and smooth in all weathers - very few large chippings to make for an uncomfortable or difficult ride, and no material loose enough to cause the wheels to sink in. Just the occasional puddle in wet weather. Grass camping areas are firm during fine weather, but some areas can become soft during prolonged wet spells, as is to be expected. Setting up camp under the large oak trees can be an advantage in wet weather, as the ground there remains relatively firm, but expect the occasional acorn dropping on your head!
Around the central camp facilities there are excellent paved footpaths and 3 good ramps.
Pool - there is a access ramp from ground level to the pool area (gated for child safety reasons), and an extensive flat paved area around the pool for sunbathing. Another gated ramp provides access from the pool area to the clubhouse verandah, which is a level covered area with seating around two sides of the building, all of which is wheelchair accessible.
The pool itself has a series of wide shallow steps with grab rails alongside. Water temperature is frequently around 30 degrees - hydro-therapy time!
Clubhouse - A metal-framed door gives from the verandah into the clubhouse and bar. This has a small lip on it over which a carer can easily manipulate a wheelchair. Alternatively there is a separate entrance to the rear of the building which has a full-length purpose made ramp. This is accessed from ground level at the opposite end of the clubhouse to the pool.
Bathroom - The modern shower and toilet facilities are excellent. There is a large toilet cubicle with ample access for a wheelchair, and the shower room is spacious and safe with non-slip flooring, grab bars and a shower stool. All are spotlessly clean. Access to the toilets and shower area is via a small step from the clubhouse verandah, or a larger step from the clubhouse itself. There is no completely level access, but the smaller step should not prove a problem to most carers used to manoeuvring a wheelchair.
Privacy Suite - Should you not wish to use the main shower block and/or more privacy is required, White Rose have a fully-equipped privacy suite adjacent to the clubhouse. There is a wide door, level floor and plenty of grab bars strategically placed to assist the disabled visitor. A shower complete with shower seat is provided, a toilet and a basin, and it is in here that the baby-changing table can be found too.
The shower is not as powerful as those in the main building but is adequate. Space is at a premium with a wheelchair and two people in there, but whilst showering the chair can be moved up to the toilet area and vice-versa. Heating appears to be limited to a pipe-heater/frost protector so it may get a little chilly in here early and late season, but during the summer it was not an issue. Decor is not as modern as the bang-up-to-date clubhouse shower block, but that is to be expected as the building is older.
However, we found it clean, tidy and perfectly serviceable as a disabled privacy suite - something that many other sites don't even have - and as such it is a credit and an asset to the White Rose club.
Sauna - the door to the sauna is too narrow for a wheelchair but there is ample space just outside to place one very close, leaving just a few steps from the wheelchair to the sauna bench.
Woodland walk - for some time now the members at White Rose have been developing a very pleasant woodland walk within their extensive grounds, and part of the walk is accessible to wheelchairs. The going can be a little soft, as there are bark chippings underfoot, but the path is good and wide and the central part of it is relatively firm in good weather. This intrepid pair of explorers made it about halfway around the walk, but I wouldn't recommend going further than the first bridge unless the carer is feeling particularly energetic! Having said that, the walk down to the bridge and back again makes for a lovely stroll on a pleasant day.
All in all, White Rose is not just a friendly site, it is disabled-friendly too. I hope this review is of help if you or your partner are affected by disability and you are thinking of visiting White Rose. We can heartily recommend it. If you have any specific disability related questions I am sure the members there would be pleased to answer them via the 'contact us' links - they have always been most helpful.
Nick 2018